Трансплантација браде и бркова
Not only does SALUSS provide hair transplants, but it also provides facial hair transplants. Our expert team specialises in the DHI method to provide the very best results. Enjoy the possibility of growing a fuller and denser beard and moustache all the while you experience sunny Antalya, Turkey and with a full guarantee on your treatment as well as full medications.
What is the procedure like?
The procedure, just like a hair transplant, involves extracting donor hairs from the back of the head and implanting them in the areas you desire. A special micro motor machine is used to perform the extraction under local anaesthesia in order to make the experience completely painless.
How does it work?
These hairs are then harvested and counted in a specialised vat and are then prepared for implantation. Depending on the method you choose, your hairs will be implanted via a tweezer (FUE) or an implanted pen known as the CHOI PEN (DHI). You will not need as many hairs for a facial hair transplant. The DHI method allows for higher graft density and much less chance of scars.
What are the side effects and risks?
Side effects, though only temporary, include redness, bruising and swelling for around 1 week. You will experience numbness too. Bleeding is common throughout the 1st and 2nd days. Risks include infection, necrosis, an unsuccessful result and hair fall but these are more related to FUE.
What are the advantages?
The advantages of a beard transplant are that the procedure is an effective and safe way of developing your facial hair and compared to regular hair transplants, the procedure is performed quicker. Don’t forget to check out our before and after photos of our wonderful patients on Instagram and Facebook!
What are the disadvantages?
The disadvantages are relative to all hair transplant procedures. There can be certain risks like infection and shock hair loss, but these are either treatable or temporary. There is a low chance of undesired results.
What should I do before my hair transplant?
There are just a few things you must do before undergoing the procedure. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes for at least two weeks in order to decrease the risks of anaesthesia. Do not take any blood thinners such as aspirin For at least one week. Avoid any kind of strenuous activities that increase your blood pressure or heart rate.
Can I get a free consultation?
We provide free consultations to all who contact us. Be sure to click on the social media links and WhatsApp link above in order to talk to a one of our medical professionals. We can even provide a free treatment plan and quote any time you wish.
Who is ineligible for a hair transplant?
If you suffer from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, asthma, related issues or do you not have enough hairs in your donor area then you may not be eligible for a transplant.
What does the process involve?
A hair transplant is a procedure that only takes a few days here in Turkey. On your first day will be the procedure itself and once it is complete, we will provide all your medications and transfer you back to your hotel. On the second day, we will come along for a medical check and hair wash. You will be safe to fly home on your third and final day where we will organise a transfer directly to the airport in time for your flight.
What is the cost of a beard and moustache transplant?
The cost can range from 1000 GBP to 2000 GBP in Turkey while costs are upwards of 4000 GBP in the UK and Europe.
What is recovery like?
Your SALUSS coordinator and physician will come for a beard wash and recovery instructions following your transplant. Full aftercare is provided so that you can recover safely, and we will always ensure that you receive the very best results. We will come for your first hair wash after 1 day. Avoid any kind of facial gear like masks or rags. Avoid scratching and itching. Do not exercise for at least 10 days and avoid sudden contact or trauma with your beard.
The hairs we implants are life-long and so your beard hairs are permanently placed. The reason why is that the hairs that are transplanted are from the back of your head where the overwhelming majority of adults never suffer hair loss from.
There is never a right age for a hair transplant, especially a beard hair transplant. Beard hairs begin to grow through puberty and stop spreading at a certain age. İf you desire a fuller beard, then SALUSS is ready to assist you.
Turkey not only offers high quality treatment at affordable prices, but with us you can also enjoy a package holiday with your treatment as you recover in sunny Antalya.
The best method for a beard hair transplant is the DHI method as you can have up to 3 times as many hairs implanted per cm2 and the success rate is extremely high. The procedure will allow for fuller and denser results with higher volume.
Scars are not common but if they do occur then the donor area is the area most affected. These scars are minimal and can be concealed following recovery after 1 to 3 months. We provide a special healing oil that shrinks and minimised potential scars.
No, only the donor hairs that are extracted from the root are transplanted. These will not grow back in the donor area, but apart from that no existing hairs are affected.
No, cancer is usually the result of your genetics and bad dieting or old age. There is no study proving a link between cancer and cosmetic procedures such as hair transplants.
Yes, the hairs we implant are life-long and if you undergo DHI treatment then we offer a life-long guarantee to give you peace of mind. The hairs we implant are from the back of your head where almost no adults suffer hair loss from.
Just like any other hair transplant, beard hair transplants are very safe and commonly performed in Turkey. Make sure to take your medications and stay hygienic. Avoid swimming and sunlight to protect your head from
DHI patients will enjoy completely natural results as well as a fuller and denser beard while FUE patients can have an improved look but not as natural. DHI offers higher volume results which can be indistinguishable from natural beards.
No, as local anaesthetic is used, you will not feel any kind of pain during the procedure. We always make sure to provide comfort during your stay and treatment.
The success rate of DHI transplants is 98% while FUE is at 90%. This means that while the possibility is there, failed cases are extremely rare. SALUSS has had a 100% satisfaction rate from its DHI patients.
Your transplant hairs are extracted from the donor area (back of the head) and implanted in the beard. These hairs are lifelong and once the donor area heals, there will be no noticeable change to it any longer.
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